You are here: Alt Configuration > Alt Control Center Help > Home > Home page Setup

Home page Setup

To view the basic steps to setup Alt go to Module Setup page.

Following are the steps to do Home page setup:

1. Go to Super Admin -> Activity -> Copy Dashboard and copy the dashboards required for the client.

2. Dashboard Configuration - Go and assign Roles to Menus:

             i. Go to Alt Admin -> HRIS -> Dashboard Configuration

             ii. Assign the Roles to Menus in the Home page.

3. Edit the Dashboard layout by fixing the sequence.

4. To add messages, go to Alt Admin -> HRIS -> Announcement and perform the following:

i. For Welcome message, Check the Is Welcome message check box, write the message under Announcement in EN field and

   click <> icon and copy the message to Announcement field.

ii. For Announcement message, don't check the Is Welcome message check box, write the message under Announcement in EN

    field and click <> icon and copy the message to Announcement field.

5. To configure HR Links:

i. Make an entry in Content Type. To know more about how to make an entry in Content Type, click here and perform action

    similar to the one in following screenshot:


ii. Make an entry in Hr Links. To know more about how to make an entry in Content Type, click here and perform action similar to

    the one in following screenshot:


6.  Clear Redis Database if things are not getting updated.